Case Method
Our curriculum is based on case studies – which means it’s based on real-world research, and it also gives you context to apply the principles you learn in class to your own organization.
Individual Learning
Our professors address every learning style – whether you learn by reading, hearing, seeing or doing. A variety of teaching methods ensures each lesson is clear and memorable. Plus, classes are small enough to allow professors to provide individual attention.
Cohort Learning
The entire class takes the same courses at the same time – a “lockstep cohort” design. Plus, many of the projects are team-based, dividing the class into teams of four or five. The teams rotate, so you’ll have the chance to build lasting relationships with each of your classmates. Our alumni are constantly saying they know they can call any of their classmates any time if they need anything.
Class Discussion
This isn’t one professor droning out facts to a bunch of drowsy kids. It’s more like a business think tank. Every one of your classmates becomes one of your teachers, with valuable work experience that feeds into your own experience. When you’re all sharing, discussing and asking questions, the value of each class increases tenfold. You get 30 smart business leaders together with one passionate professor? Magic happens.
Application and Reflection
You won’t just see how these principles could apply to your work – you’ll actually implement them. One of the final projects in the program is a strategic plan to improve your own organization.
Adaptive to Your Needs
Every TCU Executive MBA class is different, and our faculty members recognize and develop their content uniquely to each, using agile teaching methods to personalize and present the curriculum in the way that’s most relevant to you.
Dual Delivery
Our courses are in person because classroom interaction is invaluable to the learning experience. However, we understand there may be unforeseen demands from work, family or health which may strain your availability to attend class in person. For this reason, we provide the flexibility of attending class remotely and synchronously – under special circumstances – using Zoom in the classroom so that you can actively engage with the cohort and faculty. If attending virtually isn’t an option, then classes are recorded so that you never miss a minute of the experience.
Orientation Experience
Orientation marks the start of your TCU Executive MBA experience. This two-and-a-half-day orientation is held on campus at the Neeley School of Business in Fort Worth, and lays the foundation for the exciting 18-months ahead. Students are introduced to our academic platforms and rigor, team and relationship building, and our unique executive leadership process and program expectations. Below are a few highlights:
  • Building the Cohort: Meet your classmates, faculty and staff; self-assessment reviews and sharing; team building activities; personal leadership responsibilities
  • Coursework / Curriculum /Professional Growth: Learn strategies for how to best develop and manage effective teams; complete your first team assignment; introduction to analysis techniques, strategies and communication best practices
  • Connections and Collaboration: EMBA Alumni lead a session on successfully transitioning into the classroom and how to make the most of your EMBA experience. Meet your executive coaches who will be leading and supporting you throughout the program. Attend a special EMBA Welcome dinner with your spouse or significant other to meet the rest of your new EMBA family.

Lead by example. And by research.

TCU Neeley Executive MBA Strategic Leader Model
TCU Neeley is one of a select group of premier business schools to partner with Korn/Ferry International – the leadership development experts trusted by 92% of Fortune 100 companies. Korn/Ferry assessed millions of executives and identified the leadership competencies of top performers across all industries and regions of the globe.

In the Neeley Agile Strategic Leadership Model, we’ve identified 19 of these core competencies that are most relevant to our students – dividing them into categories as they relate to you, to others and to your organization.

These competencies are a focus throughout the program – in classes, coaching sessions and the development of your Personal Leadership Development Plan, again making an integrated learning experience that is unparalleled.