
You aren’t required to have a minor with a business major, but you may choose one below or outside the Neeley School of Business – to give you another area of expertise and more career opportunities. Note that the accounting, finance and global business minors may not be added to majors outside the Neeley School. The Entrepreneurship and Innovation Minor is not available to business majors.

Only students majoring in another business major can pursue an accounting minor.

Required 18 hours:

  • ACCT 20353 Fundamentals of Accounting
  • FINA 30153 Financial Management
  • ACCT 30153 Financial Reporting I
  • ACCT 30163 Cost Analysis and Control
  • ACCT 30253 Financial Reporting II
  • ACCT 30303 Principles of Taxation


Students from any major are eligible to enroll in our Energy Business minor, which requires at least 18 hours of energy courses. The energy minor helps provide students with an understanding of current and emerging technologies and management strategies associated with the energy business.

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If you are not majoring in business you may pursue a minor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Achieve the framework and skills to pursue entrepreneurial endeavors or be innovative and entrepreneurial wherever your career path takes you.


  1. Complete at least one full semester at TCU with a minimum overall GPA of 3.0 and TCU cumulative GPA of 3.0.
  2. Must have Sophomore status
  3. Complete the online application
  4. Submit a transcript.

Required Courses – 12 hours:

  • ECON 10223 Introduction to Microeconomics (grade of at least C-)
  • ACCT 20653 Introduction to Accounting
  • ENTR 30533 Entrepreneurial Opportunity Recognition (Part 1) - prerequisite for all electives
  • ENTR 40143 New Venture Development (Part 2)

Electives: You may take any upper division ENTR elective to complete the 6 hours required. Courses may include:

  • ENTR 30113 Entrepreneurial NIL
  • ENTR 30123 Technology Entrepreneurship
  • ENTR 30303 Entrepreneurial Leadership
  • ENTR 30543 Entrepreneurial Innovation & Creativity
  • ENTR 40010 Internship
  • ENTR 40123 Small Business Management
  • ENTR 40163 Ventures in Transition
  • ENTR 40233 Family Business
  • ENTR 40243 Raising Entrepreneurial Capital
  • ENTR 40313 Social Entrepreneurship
  • ENTR 40333 Corporate Entrepreneurship
  • ENTR 40970 Special Problems in Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • Free Elective Courses (up to 3 credit hours):

Courses may be offered by other TCU schools/colleges upon approval by the Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation; although the course generally cannot double count.

Note: Students may not simultaneously pursue a minor in General Business and the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Minor.

Only students majoring in another business major or economics can pursue a finance minor.

Required 12 hours: 

  • FINA 30153 Financial Management
  • FINA 30203 Money and Banking
  • FINA 30213 Investments I 
  • ACCT 30153 Financial Reporting I

Six semester hours chosen from the following: 

  • FINA 30223 Financial Modeling
  • FINA 30233 Investments II 
  • FINA 40153 Advanced Financial Management  
  • FINA 40183 Educational Investment Fund  
  • FINA 40193 Educational Investment Fund  
  • FINA 40533 Topics in Applied Financial Analysis
  • FINA 40623 International Finance  
  • FINA 40613 Real Estate Finance and Investment Analysis 


If you are not majoring in business you may pursue a general business minor.  
Required 18 semester hours of coursework (21 hours including prerequisite).  


  • Complete ECON 10223: Introductory Microeconomics
  • Have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 
  • Have sophomore standing 
  • Complete one full semester at TCU 

Required 18 hours:  
Once you enroll at TCU, you must complete all coursework in the general business minor at TCU. 

  • ACCT 20653 Introduction to Accounting  
    • (grade of “C” or better required to enter FINA 30653, INSC 30653 and ENTR 40653) 
  • MARK 30653 Principles of Marketing 
  • MANA 30653 Survey of Management  
    • (grade of “C” or better required to enter ENTR 40653) 
  • ENTR 40653 Survey of Entrepreneurship 
  • FINA 30653 Financial Planning 
  • INSC 30653 Supply Chain Management 


Only students majoring in another business major can pursue a global business minor. Achieve cross-cultural competency through a unique combination of experiences, academic coursework and international skills.

Required 9 hours:

  • BUSI 30383 Global Business with Ethical Lens
  • Six hours chosen from the following courses: 
    • FINA 40623 International Finance 
    • MANA 40223 International Management
    • MARK 40213 International Marketing 
    • INSC 40353 Global Supply Chain Management 

Required 6 hours:
Six semester hours of non-business, non-foreign language courses with an international focus. TCU core requirement classes do not count.  

Qualifying courses include: 

  • On-campus courses with a "Global Awareness" designation  
  • Courses taken during a Semester Abroad program if approved by TCU Neeley’s Director of International Programs 

Language Familiarity
You must be familiar with at least one language other than English.  

  • If your primary language is English, you must complete 3 credit hours in foreign language class (or its equivalent) taught at TCU. 
  • If your primary language is not English, you’ll need to demonstrate proficiency in both your primary and secondary languages. You must complete the English courses required in the TCU Core Curriculum (or their equivalents).

Study Abroad
Required 6 credit hours in a Study Abroad course approved by TCU Neeley’s Director of International Programs.